Carrillo Modification by HPSTAN
Cut a relief here to clear the Carrillio rod,
Point at picture to see what happent to mine!!Rickard
Trial assemble the engine cases & crank assy,
to see actually how much to remove.

1/2 longer rod
The following advice comes from Ed Valiket of E&V ENGINEERING,
“The reason for using the ˝” longer rod is to get the rod to stroke ratio
correct, on a stock B50 the ratio is 1.69-1 and the engine does not want to
rev beyond 6500 rpm, it just flattens out and with the 6.5” rod it is 1.84-1
and this will allow the engine to rpm out better up to 8000 which gets it to act
like a Goldstar.
It all depends on what you are using the bike for. If you are just general riding
on the street or motocrossing I would leave the stock rod in but if you are using
it for road racing, speedway, dirt track or high performance street riding I would
use the longer rod.
The longer rod also lessens the side loading of the piston to cylinder at bottom dead
center and doesn`t distort the bore so much and thereby freeing up some power.
It is also easier on the wrist pin bushing lessening wear at this point.
So now you know.
Have fun
Gerry Hedderwick
Updated 22:07 2005-09-01
© Rickard Nebrér